If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

I'm pretty sure someone did this just to get hits. It's pretty easy to do, just wrap it up in a towel for about an hour. It probably still works for him after he let it cool off. There's no way that thing couldn't get enough air with those vents. My old Xbox 360 doesn't even get hot anymore. I can already see people creating fake errors, then posting them for flame bait.

5211d ago 25 agree18 disagreeView comment

That would be funny according to this site of users. Lol. This year E3 is the year of the casual gamers I can say that much. Which I'm cool with because we had many E3s dedicated mostly hardcore. I think the kids are going to love the kinect but me not so much yet that I know of.. Also the new xbox design and the price drops are going to sell more 360s no doubt.. I like the look of PS3 MOVE games right now but even that isn't much. I can't jump to assumptions for me yet.

5215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ummm I don't own a PS3? I own every console and you can add my PSN King_Slinky_Dink (PS I hate that name but that's it).

5215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did they even mention anything about cross game chat? No, DID I MISS IT? Wow... Lol just wow. You have to pay $50 a year to keep the free games that you downloaded. I'm just going to keep my assumptions quite lol..

5215d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Like I said before both the Natal and the Sony move is nothing to be excited about now. Face it you may use the move on socom for a bit then get tired of it and pick up the controller. For the Natal you'll have fun for a bit then go onto some other game that doesn't even use Natal(Kinect) at all. I think E3 all together this year is going to be pretty bleh unless something else beside this motion crap is brought up. The only thing to do is watch the fanboys try to make it seem more sp...

5216d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They didn't even mention that they reduced the earned experience from doing gang hideouts... I hate that they made it so the fastest way to level up is doing the free roam hideouts instead of the Gang matches. They could have at least made it so that you earned more money in gang matches instead of just reduced hideout points. The gang matches don't get repetitive like the hideouts. I think Rockstar needs to work on their multiplayer skills. Even in GTAIV they made it where you had to...

5218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh well, hopefully we see some download content for Red Dead Redemption. Also people on the GTAIV exclusive subject have you heard of timed exclusives? It was exclusive for like 6 months or so. I cant remember how long it was. I don't know why everybody comes up with this "it wasn't exclusive see it came out for ps3 now" crap. Timed exclusive means they have the exclusive rights for only over a certain period of time (Aka not forever).

5229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The price is pretty high and that doesn't surprise me. It better have good games that par with the Wii has or I'm just going to skip Natal and go with a Wii. I haven't bought a Wii yet and there's still games I would like to play like Monster Hunter, Super Mario Galaxy 1&2, Zelda, Paper Mario, and maybe some others I missed out on. I'm not all into the motion hype for either the PS3 or the Xbox 360 to be perfectly honest. The only reason I'm thinking about a Wii is...

5235d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is where the sony fanboys start paying a for the premium and the hypocrisy starts once again, even if it COULD cost them 2x the amount of Xbox live... I never minded paying $50 a year for xbox live. I just think it's funny to hear people run on gimp and cheer on the free service only and then change their minds when they're finally offered a better experience for a monthly fee. I don't want to be too early to judge but if I had to pay $10month/$120year I don't think I wou...

5236d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game has glitches but it doesn't stop me from playing it almost non-stop for the past 3 days. It's nothing that cant be fixed just give them time it just came out. This game definitely deserves the scores it received. You probably wont like this game if you cant put yourself in the shoes of the character because your going to be riding along time listening to dialogue. So you will have to have the patients and curiosity to hear what the character have to say. That's just for...

5240d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I probably would recommend most to buy this game. It's fun as hell to play and I have been hooked since I got my hands on it. I can care less what the visual stats come out to be because I admire the scenery either way.

5241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These are obviously fixed pictures. The picture used for the xbox 360 looks nothing like it does in actual play. They changed the saturation on the xbox 360. If you guys want a legit comparison watch gamepros http://www.youtube.com/watc...

5241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't matter if they released it on the xbox 360. I personally didn't enjoy FFXIII anyway. Hopefully they use a different fighting system on the next one they make. There were very few cool moves to be used when fighting. The exclusivity will have nothing to do with how vs. turns out on the ps3. It's not as if the content is going to be extremely huge in the first place.

5243d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also I think it's time to say goodbye to N4G all together and get my news from another site where its more regulated. I'm tired of seeing these false news reports on the ps3 slip through without them being taken down. You give the users too much power then you get a pile of bullshit in your lap. Change the name from N4G to N4F (News for fanboys) because it's all I get from this site. I had hopes for the site at first but I should have known that trolls would trash it with the powe...

5246d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

To be perfectly honest none of you ps3 fanboys have outwitted me. I still play the xbox 360 more than my ps3 to this day. Most of my friends who own the xbox 360 and ps3 rarely get on their ps3 either. This site has just become a big circle jerk. I only quit arguing because I will never get anything across your head. Just because you get more agrees doesn't really make your say any better. Hell you could say anything good about the ps3 false or not and you get agrees. It's when you in...

5246d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

LBP has to be my favorite ps3 game, I can't wait for LBP2 even 10x better. I wonder how difficult or time consuming it will be to develop a actual good level on LBP2. Either way I'm sure there's many others willing to take a lot of time to make awesome levels. It would be great if they made it so that you could get faster results though.

5251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

9/10 isn't good enough? I don't understand some gamers anymore. Like one more point would really be a huge difference.

5256d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, I wish they would just advance the auto-translator and then we will be good. FFXI auto-translator was great but they could make it better so we could have a more clear conversations with others.

5267d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Graphic junkies piss me off... I'm talking about the nit picking ones. I love graphics also but graphics are limited. If you expect every great game to have the best graphics you obviously don't understand what truly makes a great game. I actually feel sorry for those who refuse to play a great game because it's not up to par with your picky a$$! You truly miss out on a lot of good games because your too busy looking at the shiny floors. I admit I walk around in games and look close to the de...

5277d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know I have no problem SE and they do make great games. FFXIII just wasn't one of them. Actually I would like them to just forget about adding onto FFXIII and go back to making one more like FFVII. I was very disappointed that the moves in the game didn't look impressing. The only cool part about the fighting was the juggle. Yes the summons looked cool but besides that one time you actually summon them everything is just bleh and repetitive. I honestly thought the story wasn't all that ei...

5279d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment